Janith Homes LtdResidential Care Homes for Adults with Learning Difficulties |
Each home offers home cooked meals which provide a well balanced diet. When possible we use free range meat and eggs produced with help from the residents at the Barrington Farm day services next to The Rookery. We also aim to buy seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. People can choose to eat their meals in the dining room or in their own accommodation. Residents living in the smaller homes and self catering cottages are encouraged and assisted to prepare and cook their own meals. Meal times and menus vary at each of the individual care homes, which all cater for a variety of dietary requirements including vegetarians, coeliacs, diabetes, low carbohydrate, high protein, pureed and nut allergies. Refreshments are available throughout the day on request. Residents are invited to attend regular meetings to discuss menu ideas and meals for special events such as Christmas or barbecues. Food HygieneHomes are regularly inspected and meet the high standards required. The Rookery holds a Certificate of food Hygiene Rating: 5 Star issued by North Norfolk District Council Environmental Health.