Janith Homes LtdResidential Care Homes for Adults with Learning Difficulties |
Each home employs a Registered Manager and several carers. Our carefully screened staff are selected for their qualities of friendliness, reliability, integrity, skill and professionalism. Care planning with all our residential homes is person centred and reviewed with service users and providers at regular intervals. All our staff attend training, both in house and from accredited trainers, to acquire skills in order to meet the needs of clients, regulations and personal development. All new care staff immediately commence a Common Induction Standards and are encouraged to achieve NVQ/ HSC awards.. The company operates a full training programme covering all mandatory training i.e. Fire, First Aid, Medication etc and service specific. We have an experienced accredited in-house trainer for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Manual and Patient Handling and we deliver various workshops including equality and diversity to our staff team. All staff receive support from the General Manager, four office and two maintenance staff based at Head Office.